James (Jay) E. Hughes, Jr., Esq.
Managing Director
James (Jay) E. Hughes, Jr., Esq., serves as a Managing Director of Lineage. Mr. Hughes is a resident of Aspen, Colorado and is the author of Family Wealth: Keeping It in the Family, and of Family – The Compact Among Generations, both published by Bloomberg Press, he is the co-author, with Susan E. Massenzio and Keith Whitaker, of The Cycle of the Gift: Family Wealth and Wisdom published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., as well as of The Voice of the Rising Generation co-authored with Susan E. Massenzio and Keith Whitaker, also to be published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. He has also authored numerous articles on family governance and wealth preservation and a series of Reflections which can be found on his website, jamesehughes.com.
Mr. Hughes was the founder of a law partnership in New York City specializing in the representation of private clients throughout the world and is now retired from the active practice of law. He is a frequent lecturer for and member of the Purposeful Planning Institute. He is also an early member of the Family Firm Institute and is now a Fellow and has lectured for them at a number of their annual gatherings. He has served as a member of the PhD candidate committee for those seeking a PhD in Family Enterprise at Drexel University. He has spoken frequently at numerous international and domestic symposia on the avoidance of the shirtsleeves to shirtsleeves proverb and the growth of families’ human, intellectual, social, spiritual and financial capitals toward their families’ flourishing. He has authored various Forwards to multiple published works and has been cited in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and various professional journals. Mr. Hughes is a member of boards of various private trust companies, an advisor to numerous investment institutions, a member of a number of private philanthropic boards, and a member of the editorial boards of various professional journals. Mr. Hughes was a partner of the law firms of Coudert Brothers and Jones, Day, Reavis and Pogue. He is a graduate of the Far Brook School, which teaches through the Arts, The Pingry School, Princeton University and The Columbia School of Law. He is one of the thirteen founders of the Collaboration for Family Flourishing; recipient of the Private Asset Management Lifetime Achievement Award, the Ackerman Institute Family Partner Award and the Family Office Exchange Founders Award.